
Our Junior School Auxiliary arranges fundraising events and social get-togethers for Junior School families.

The Junior School Auxiliary (JSA)

...all parents welcome

The JSA is made up of volunteer parents from Pre-Kindergarten to Year 6.

The parents actively support the Junior School by running events and assist with fundraising.

The JSA support numerous joyful events, including:

The JSA will meet once or twice a term in Hamilton Hall from 9.00 to 10.00 am. Please contact the JSA Committee to find out more.

  • Ice Block Day
  • Pizza Day
  • Book Week

They bring life and energy to our Junior School.

The JSA will meet once or twice a term in Hamilton Hall from 9.00 to 10.00 am. Please contact the JSA Committee to find out more


Parents interested in joining the Junior School Auxiliary should contact the JSA for further information:

The JSA Committee
E: jsaplcsydney@gmail.com

Or contact the Junior School College Reception:

T: Evandale - 9704 5663
E: evandale_office@plc.nsw.edu.au

T: Hamilton - 9704 5672
E: hamiltonoffice@plc.nsw.edu.au